Jun. 09, 2020

HARRISBURG – Rep. Valerie Gaydos (R-Allegheny) today issued the following statement:

“In the words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., ‘the time is always right to do what is right.’

The tragic death of George Floyd once again calls our attention to the way we treat each other. Mr. Floyd’s death was wrong, and the circumstances surrounding it were nothing short of reprehensible.

“America has long prided itself on being a diverse land, home to the free and the brave, with a Constitution articulating the rights and protections afforded to all of its citizens. Every American has these rights, and we must work harder to ensure that all citizens are protected equally.

“I stand in support of the peaceful protests advocating for positive change in our society to prevent tragedies like the death of George Floyd from ever happening again.

“We can and must do better. It is imperative that we reform our criminal justice system and work on strengthening our communities to build rapport and increase trust between our police departments and the public they are sworn to protect and serve.

“I am proud of my hometown of Sewickley and the surrounding municipalities that have risen to the occasion of combating racial injustice. Crescent Township Police Department, for example, has taken proactive steps to ensure the safety and security of all of its residents through community dialogue and extensive training. I will continue to do my part in facilitating this dialogue and holding our local police departments to the highest possible standards.

“And, as for those ignoble few who would pervert the righteous cause behind these protests by inciting violence and looting, these individuals must be condemned and held accountable for their actions.

“My heart goes out to George Floyd’s family and to all victims of racism. Together as a nation, as a state and as a community, we must do better.”

Representative Valerie Gaydos
44th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Michael Plummer
RepGaydos.com / Facebook.com/RepGaydos