House Republicans Announce Package to Tackle Crime in Pennsylvania
Sep. 30, 2024 / Embed
In a Capitol press conference, the Pennsylvania House Republican Caucus announced members will be introducing a package of bills to tackle the effects of the national crime crisis in Pennsylvania..
Rep. Gaydos's Response to Governor's 2024-25 Budget Address
Feb. 06, 2024 / Embed
Rep. Valerie Gaydos comments on the governor's budget proposal
Rep- Gaydos Press Conference w/Americans for Prosperity
Jun. 05, 2023 / Embed
Holding a press conference in the Pennsylvania State Capitol, Representative Valerie Gaydos re-introduces legislation (HB 555) designed to assist small businesses in providing health care benefits to their employees.
Serving on America250PA Commission
Mar. 23, 2023 / Embed
Rep. Valerie Gaydos has been appointed to serve as the House Republican Caucus designee for the Pennsylvania Commission for the United States Semiquincentennial, America250PA.
Fairness in Women's Sports Press Conference
Jun. 07, 2022 / Embed
Representatives Barb Gleim, Valerie Gaydos, Dawn Keefer and Stephanie Borowicz hold a press conference advocating for House Bill 972 which would protect opportunities for women and girls in athletics by ensuring women are not forced to compete against biological males playing on women’s sports teams.
Supporting Women’s Rights in Competitive Sports
Mar. 29, 2022 / Embed
In a move to support women’s rights in competitive sports, Rep. Valerie Gaydos urges passage of the Fairness in Women's Sports Act before the House Education Committee.
Response to Gov. Wolf's spending plan
Feb. 08, 2022 / Embed
Rep. Valerie Gaydos responds to the Wolf spending plan.
Hunting PSA from Game Commission
Nov. 09, 2021 / Embed
Rep. Valerie Gaydos talks about safety during this hunting season.
Rep. Gaydos's Comments from Health Committee Voting Meeting
Oct. 26, 2021 / Embed
During the House Health Committee meeting on Tuesday, October 26, Rep. Valerie Gaydos voted with a majority of her colleagues to advance a motion to officially appeal the Commonwealth Joint Committee on Documents ruling to sustain the acting Health Secretary’s school masking mandate. Gaydos emphasized during the meeting that the motion to appeal is following rule of law, not masks.
Common Interest Owned Communities
Sep. 28, 2021 / Embed
Rep. Valerie Gaydos (R-Allegheny) discussed her legislation (HR 69) with the House Urban Affairs Committee directing the Joint State Government Commission to study common interest owned communities (CIOCs) in Pennsylvania.